Can a load-bearing wall at home open a window?

Sunshine Court Community Miss Li

My home is an independent two-story building facing north and south. There is an east-west bearing wall in the middle of the first floor. Now there is a piece of doors and windows on the wall near the east. I would like to put the door back after a period of renovation. Near the east side, a window opens in the middle of the wall, so that the light behind the house will be better, because the back of the house is a garage, there is no light, would like to ask, this place can not open the window?

Supervision question
In general, load-bearing walls cannot be removed! Removing the load-bearing wall, opening the door, opening the window, and thinning the load-bearing wall on the load-bearing wall not only directly damages and weakens the bearing capacity of the load-bearing wall, but also destroys the integrity and shock resistance of the house. If you must open a window, be sure to ask the professional construction team to operate under the consent of the property. Like Miss Li's case, let's answer it today!

First, how to distinguish load-bearing walls from non-load-bearing walls?

1, function:

1 Loadbearing Wall : The loadbearing wall refers to the wall that supports the weight of the upper floor. On the drawing, it is a black wall. After being destroyed, the entire building structure will be destroyed.

2 Non-load -bearing walls: Non -load -bearing walls refer to walls that do not support the weight of the upper floor. They only serve to separate one room from another. In the drawing, it is a hollow wall. Is there a wall? The body has no major impact on the structure of the building.

2, housing structure

1 Generally, all walls of a brick-concrete structure are load-bearing walls.

2 The internal wall of a frame structure is generally not a load-bearing wall, but there are exceptions, because judging whether the wall is a load-bearing wall should be carefully studied before the actual architectural drawings and on site to determine.

3, distinguish from the wall tile material

The general standard walls are load-bearing walls, and the air-filled bricks are non-load-bearing walls.

4, thickness

Differentiating from the thickness of the wall: 150mm thick partition walls are non-load-bearing walls, such as bathrooms, kitchens appear more. Generally, the thickness of the load-bearing walls of new apartments is more than 300mm thick.

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