North and South Spring Decoration Must See Interpretation of Construction Points

Spring is the peak season for decoration. However, due to the differences in climate between the north and the south of China, there are differences in the candidates for spring decoration and construction. The northern part of the country is windy and sandy in the spring and the air is relatively dry. The southern spring is the climate of “back to the south” and the air is humid. Rainy water, what are the precautions in the construction of the North and South? The following Xiao Bian will introduce to you in detail the precautions for the construction of the North and South springs. Let's understand together.

Interpretation of North Spring Construction Precautions

First, the paint coating construction skills

1, brush paint attention to dust

In the northern part of the country, there is a large amount of wind and sand in the spring. Therefore, when painting, special attention should be paid to preventing sand dust from falling into the paint, which may cause the effect of paint filming and other effects.

Second, woodworking construction skills

1, furniture production leave interface seam

Because the air in the north is relatively dry in the spring, when the furniture is made, because the wood is relatively dry, it is necessary to leave certain expansion joints to prevent the expansion in the rainy season when the wet weather arrives. In addition there are gaps in the installation of wooden doors.

2, floor pavement expansion joints

When paving a wooden floor, at least 1 cm of expansion joints must be left on the sides of the wall to prevent swelling during the wet season. In order to prevent the treading of sound on the wooden floor in the future, the keel should be strictly leveled during paving. The common wooden wedge connecting the fixed keel and the floor, due to the change of temperature and humidity, expands and contracts in the future when it is used, and finally it is easy to break off. Therefore, it is best to use a plastic bulge with a very low expansion rate.

Third, other construction precautions

1, pay attention to keep warm during the construction process

When the temperature in spring is high and low, if the working surface such as plastering, scraping, and tiling is frozen, hollowing and other problems will occur. Therefore, whether it is a bricklayer mixing mortar, or an oil sprayer spraying a variety of coatings, it is best not to open in the open, it should be in accordance with the temperature of the product description. In particular, oil workers must pay attention to “warmth” and open doors and windows after adequate drying.

2, moderate ventilation and finished product maintenance

If it is a multi-year project, it is necessary to pay attention to window opening and ventilation when the spring is completed. The north-south direction must not be too large; otherwise, the wind will be large. Convection will be caused by different rates of internal and external changes due to different internal moisture contents in the ceiling, wood, and walls. It is easy to crack the finished product and increase the repair process.

3, the wall insulation layer needs to be handled well

At present, many new houses are new types of thermal insulation walls with inner insulation layers. This type of inner thermal insulation wall is prone to cracking of latex paint during decoration. For this kind of situation, you can use flexible decoration materials to do base layer treatment for the wall surface. For example, some special putty can make up for the problem of wall cracks to a certain extent.

Spring decoration knowledge

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