Is there a problem with the floor renovation or replacement?

Many homeowners choose wood floors when decorating the ground, because wood floors not only look good, but also feel very good, especially when there are elderly people and children in the family. But for a long time, the floor will inevitably have some problems. For example, when it is cracked or cracked, is it time to refurbish it or replace it?

First, what are the common problems with flooring?

1. Insect mites: Because of the biting of insects in the wood, the floor surface can often see piles of powder, which is annoying.

2, quilting: Some floors spread over a few days, there will be a larger gap between the slats. This is mostly related to the high moisture content before the laying of the floor, and it shrinks due to the high temperature or air drying in the room.

3. Sound: Due to the low quality of the floor laying, people will find a buzzing noise when walking on the floor. They will feel very uncomfortable after hearing it. To this end, it is necessary to pay attention to the keel and the ground. The floor and the keel are firmly connected and the number and length of nails are appropriate.

4, face: the use of the same species of slats, the color also appears larger differences. If it is not properly laid, it will easily show a "face".

5, from the drum: Some floors in the shop after the expansion of the damp drums appear. This is mostly related to the environment around the floor, especially the base tide or floor water.


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