How to maintain wooden furniture?

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Mr. Huang is a college graduate this year. He recently bought a house in a place and settled in the painting city. The author encountered it in the investigation of "what do you think of the structure of the furniture?" At that time, Mr. Huang showed his enthusiasm for wooden furniture. But he said that he still doesn't know much about 榫木家具, and there are still many questions.

Mr. Huang: How many kinds of materials are used for wooden furniture on the market?

Help group: In fact, there are currently three kinds of wood used as materials for furniture: composite boards, multiple solid wood, and logs.

The composite board is a synthetic board that relies entirely on artificial synthesis. It is a wood-based board. The main process is to make the wood into powder, and then achieve high-density effect through high pressure and adhesion. It is characterized by lighter texture than other sheets, and the price is relative. Affordable. The disadvantage is that the service life is relatively short, usually within 10 years. If you want to buy furniture for this kind of board, remember not to be cheap, because it involves formaldehyde content, and you should never let it soak. Because it will be deformed.

Multiple solid wood is a combination of several pieces of plates. The image is a sandwich principle. These plates are heavier than composite plates and have a longer service life than composite plates. However, it is necessary to be wary that some merchants like to say it during the purchase process. Into the "solid wood", because of the moderate price, and high cost performance, it is widely used in furniture processing.

Logs, some people in the market like to call it solid wood, but in order to separate it from multiple solid wood, you should also say "logs" when you buy. This type of board is usually used on high-grade wooden furniture. For example, the mahogany furniture that we usually say is basically the use of logs.

Mr. Huang: As a consumer, how can I distinguish them?

Help group: It can be completed in three steps: one question, two points, and three steps.

One question is to ask the merchant what material it is, most of the merchants will answer it truthfully, because after all, doing business now depends on word of mouth.

The second is to measure the weight of it by hand. The composite board is the lightest, the multiple solid wood is slightly heavier, and the logs are the heaviest.

Thirdly, the composite board is mainly to look at the wood grain of the board, because the composite board is produced by the assembly line, so the wood grain is a template, and the real wood grain and the texture of the leaf are the same, without the texture of the two woods will be The same; multiple solid wood, generally can be seen synthetic traces; the texture of the log is more natural, two pieces of stitched together, the wood grain will not be the same.

Mr. Huang: How to maintain these kinds of wooden furniture when using it?

Help group: In fact, special maintenance for wooden furniture is second, the best maintenance is to understand their habits.

First of all, the composite board, because it is compacted, is equivalent to a myriad of molecules combined into a new organic matter, but if the organic matter is soaked in water for a long time, or wet for a long time, these molecules and molecules will penetrate. Water, and then expand the spacing of the molecules, is what we usually say, so the most important way to maintain the furniture is to keep the furniture dry.

The multiple solid woods are made up of several pieces of solid wood, so there are natural defects in the load-bearing. Gravity squeezing will cause the split solid wood to detach, so the most taboo is the heavy weight on the furniture or the external force.

As for the logs, because most of these furniture are more expensive, many people buy them back as a treasure. They can’t touch it. In fact, this is a misunderstanding. Because the wood furniture needs to be “popular” to nourish, it can be said that it is used more. The smoother and more resilient it is, so many ancient wooden furniture can be preserved to this day.

Tape Measure or Measuring Tape is a flexible Ruler and used to measure distance.

It consists of a ribbon of cloth, plastic, fibre glass, or metal strip with linear-measurement markings. It is a common measuring tool. Its design allows for a measure of great length to be easily carried in pocket or toolkit and permits one to measure around curves or corners. Today it is ubiquitous, even appearing in miniature form as a novelty item  sb use tape measures in lengths of over100m.

There are two basic types of tape measures with cases, spring return pocket tape measures and long tape measures. Spring return pocket tape measures will generally fit in a pocket. They are small, the case is up to about three inches across. The tape is returned to the case by a spring mechanism. Pocket tape measures have a tape one foot to fifteen feet in length and ¼ to ¾ inches across. When most people think of a tape measure, they are thinking of the pocket tape measure.A second tape measure design is what is called the long tape. These are cased tape measures with tapes of 25, 50, 75, 100, 200, 300, and even 500 feet in length, designed for engineers and builders. Because surveying was usually done in rods, surveyors use long tapes of 33 feet (2 rods), and 66 feet (4 rods). Surveyors also used 49½ feet of a 50-foot tape for 3 rods and 99 feet of a 100-foot tape measure for 6 rods. Long tapes instead of being returned by a spring, were usually returned by hand crank.

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