University of Luxembourg studies solar cell attenuation impact on solar panel industry

University of Luxembourg studies solar cell attenuation impact on solar panel industry

The Institute of Photovoltaics at the University of Luxembourg has established a method of observing and preventing the decay of solar cells before they are completed. Since the discovery of chemicals that could damage solar cells, this method has rapidly affected the solar cell manufacturing industry.

The reason why solar panels can convert solar energy into electricity is because there are solar cells - this "electric generator" is responsible for the energy of solar panels. Although thin-film solar cells have a layer responsible for absorbing the amount of solar energy, the thin films can be attenuated during the production process.

“A solar thin-film battery is a stack of multilayer films. The most important one is to absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity. If these absorbers cannot be processed immediately, they will lose their ability to partially convert light energy.” Luxembourg University of Phoenix Institute researcher David said.

The researchers used laser light to measure the light on the solar cell and found that the attenuation appeared within a few minutes after the first irradiation. At the same time, they also discovered that attenuation can be prevented by rapidly irradiating another laser beam. This will make solar cells stable.

In the photovoltaic industry, solar cells are processed at high speed due to economic needs. Now scientists point out the reasons for physics, why the production process should be completed quickly.

Planar Beam Load Cells

Planar beam loadcells, also known as planar force sensors, are used in low profile solutions where space is limited. These loadcells can be used as single or multiple loadcell structured platform scales.

Applications with planar beam loadcells
Most of the applications using planar beams are suited with 3 or 4 pieces for each application. which are used for point-of- sale scales/weighing systems in the 10 to 400 pound range. The low profile weighing equipment can be found in many different applications like medical applications (hospital bed and chairs, baby scales, incubators), checkout counters, agricultural devices, retail scales, bench scales and many other weighing devices.

Planar Beam Load Cells,Planar Beam Load Cell,Planar Force Sensors,Multiple Load Cell

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