Troubleshooting steps for the injection molding machine hydraulic system

When using an injection molding machine, the failures that can occur in the hydraulic system of the injection molding machine are varied. It is the result of a combination of many factors, and the dispersion is relatively large. Therefore, in the case of fault diagnosis, it is necessary to analyze the factors causing the fault one by one, pay attention to its internal connection, and find out the main contradictions, so that it can be solved relatively easily.

In general, it is not accidental that the hydraulic system of the injection molding machine is faulty. Any failure will be accompanied by various abnormal signs before it evolves into a large fault. These warnings can be returned as:

(1) An abnormal sound occurs, such as the sound of the pump, motor, and temperature flow valve is not normal.

(2) There is a phenomenon that the rotation speed, walking, hoisting hydraulic motor and hydraulic cylinder of each working device decrease and the power is weak.

(3) There is a drop in the tank level and deterioration of the oil.

(4) Oil leakage occurs on the outer surface of the hydraulic component.

(5) The phenomenon of excessive oil temperature appears.

(6) Pipeline damage, looseness and vibration.

(7) The appearance of coke nucleus and so on.

These phenomena, as long as they are carefully watched during use, can be found by naked eyes, hand touch, and nose smell. In actual work, people use this kind of on-site means as the first-hand information for analyzing faults, and then based on experience, synthesize these first-hand materials, analyze the actual problems, find the cause of the fault, and early Solve it. However, in actual work, it is often impossible to correctly diagnose the cause of a fault at a time. In this case, several iterations are required, that is, repeated analysis and repeated inspection until the original cause of the fault is found.

In practice, engineering and technical staff often deal with failures in the hydraulic system in the following steps.

(1) Understand the system. When a hydraulic failure occurs in an injection molding machine, the hydraulic system should first be understood. It is necessary to be familiar with relevant technical data and reports, understand the working principle of the liquefied gas pressure system, understand the basic structure of various components and the specific functions in the system, and be able to find the flow flow under various working conditions. Before inspecting the equipment, observe the operation of the system and record the necessary technical data such as working speed, pressure, flow, and cycle time.

(2) Ask the operator. Inquire about the operator of the injection molding machine that is malfunctioning. Inquire about the characteristics of the equipment and its function; ask the basic phenomenon when the equipment fails, such as whether the hydraulic pump can start, whether the system oil temperature is too high, whether the noise of the system is too large, whether the hydraulic cylinder can drive the load, etc.

(3) Verify the phenomenon provided by the operator and check it carefully. The phenomenon proposed by the operator is further verified by observing the meter reading, working speed, monitoring sound, checking whether the oil and the actuator are malfunctioning, etc.; then carefully searching from the fuel tank along the circuit according to the flow flow in the system, on time Record observations and stagnation. Carefully check the oil in the tank during the inspection to determine if dirt has entered the system. Affect the normal operation of the components of the system; touch the hand and check whether the inlet pipe and the high-pressure oil pipe are deuterated, softened, leaked or damaged; check the pipe joints of the control components and the mounting screws of the casing for a few days; finally check the oil and Piston rod for hydraulic cylinders. At each step of the inspection, attention should be paid to the presence or absence of improper handling or maintenance to detect the cause of the malfunction.

(4) List the possible causes of failure based on the information obtained through inquiry, inquiry, verification and inspection. At this point, it should be borne in mind that a fault phenomenon may be caused by two or more reasons, such as a decrease in the speed of the actuator, which may be due to wear of the hydraulic pump parts or an increase in the internal leakage of the hydraulic cylinder; If the oil temperature is too high, the oil in the fuel tank may not be enough, or the oil contamination may block the heat dissipation surface, or the pressure of the relief valve may be too high.

(5) Make a conclusion. According to the list of listed failure causes, the inspection sequence is discharged according to the principle of “easy first and then difficult”. First select those that can be restored to normal after a simple check or repair, in order to complete the inspection in the shortest possible time.

(6) Verification conclusion. Once you have passed the above steps to find out the cause of the failure of the injection molding machine, you will begin to troubleshoot. Troubleshooting includes checking the pressure and flow with a suitable test device, disassembling the housing cover, and checking the pump, motor, and other components. These test checks are the basis for determining the replacement of parts and hydraulic components. In actual work, there is often no suitable test device for inspection. At this time, it is necessary to replace the component assembly such as pump, motor and hydraulic valve as an effective means for troubleshooting.

In the process of finding and troubleshooting, you should be careful, careful, prudent, and strive to be correct, to avoid blindly disassembling parts, or to handle faults in an unreasonable way, so as not to cause new damage. Except when necessary, the hydraulic components must not be easily disassembled, as unnecessary, premature disassembly will reduce the service life of these components.

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