How long can hot money withdraw value drop Wenzhou mahogany furniture?

A set of 80-million-dollar 10-piece mahogany furniture is now priced at less than 600,000 yuan. A few days ago, there were media reports that the price of rosewood furniture, which had been rising all the way since 2007, fell sharply due to the withdrawal of hot money. The author visited our city's mahogany furniture market yesterday and found that the price of commercially available ordinary mahogany furniture is still firm, and some low-end mahogany furniture is still rising. For consumers who do not know how to do business, if they invest in collections now, they should pay attention to risks.

Market price of mahogany furniture is firm

"At present, the price of mahogany furniture in the market is fairly stable." Merchants engaged in mahogany furniture in the Cihu furniture market, Huaxinglong, and stationery market all said that the price of mahogany furniture has been stable for half a year, and has not changed much recently.

Recently, a redwood furniture store in Huaxinglong, a Burmese rosewood desk sold for about 20,000 yuan, and there was no significant fluctuation compared with the previous two months. Wenzhou Huaxinglong Redwood Furniture Chairman Zhang Changhua said that from March to April each year, it is the peak season for mahogany furniture sales, and only sporadic consumers buy mahogany furniture in the off-season. However, this year's mahogany raw materials rose slightly, and it is expected that it will only rise and not fall at the end of the year. .

And some merchants have recently started to increase the price of mahogany furniture. In Liantianhong Lianlian Fudian, a set of chicken-wing wooden wardrobes was marked with the words "up 3,000 yuan". "The wardrobe was 57,000 yuan at the end of October, and it was adjusted to 60,000 yuan at the beginning of this month." The store manager said that the company stipulated that from December 1st, chicken wing wood furniture will increase by 10 yuan per kilogram, and Laos red rosewood will increase by 1 kilogram. Price 20 yuan. Taking a piece of mahogany furniture of 400 kg as an example, each set will rise by more than 4,000 yuan by December.

The hype has not affected our city

Liu Jiaze, the head of Zemei Redwood Furniture Co., Ltd., which has more than 20 years of production and operation of mahogany furniture, said that the price of mahogany furniture depends on the raw materials.

Since the financial crisis, the price of mahogany raw materials has been like a roller coaster, soaring and falling, and the price of mahogany furniture has also fluctuated. Taking Laos red rosewood (old mahogany) as an example, the price was 11,000 yuan per ton in 2006. Under the pursuit of the domestic furniture industry and the collection industry, the price surged to 85,000 yuan per ton in the first half of 2008; In the first half of the year, the global economy turned cold, the price of Laos rosewood fell to 30,000 yuan per ton, and the mahogany furniture was cold in China; since the second half of 2009, the price of Laos rosewood has recovered, and the price of wood of the same grade has been restored to 5 per ton ~ 60,000 yuan. At present, high-end mahogany furniture such as Huanghuali and rosewood are still in the rising range.

"The mahogany furniture exposed in the field from sky to land prices is mainly due to the influx of hot money into the crazy speculation of small leaf red sandalwood furniture, and the high-end mahogany furniture market has formed a huge bubble. This is not the same as ordinary self-use mahogany furniture." He thinks so.

The person in charge of Wenzhou Dacheng Ming and Qing Home Decoration Museum said: "Our city's mahogany furniture is generally used in office premises, high-end hotels and some high-income families. At present, there have not been a large number of investors who have hyped mahogany, so most of the market prices are real. price."

Invest in Redwood to be alert to risks

For the future investment prospects of the mahogany furniture market, mahogany production and distributors are more optimistic. Although the current redwood sales market in Wenzhou is not large, redwoods, especially the precious Huanghua pear wood, have a long growth cycle. As the felling of wood increases and the supply decreases, it is normal to cause price increases. With the increase in transportation and labor costs, mahogany furniture is more valuable. Even if the short-term price fine-tuning, the overall will still rise.

"Mahogany furniture is hard to tell, like red sandalwood, African red rosewood (Red Guibao) posing as old mahogany (Laos red rosewood), African rosewood pretending to be more upscale Vietnamese Cambodian pear (Daguo rosewood), etc. Although the grade is lower than the authentic mahogany furniture, the appearance makes it difficult for ordinary consumers to distinguish between true and false. For investors who do not know how to do it, they need to carefully distinguish when buying, and be alert to risks. "Zhang Changhua said.

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