What are the home improvement acceptance standards?

Decoration is a very tiring thing, many owners directly after the house is renovated, there is no serious acceptance inspection, it is easy to appear in the future decoration problems. Therefore, the acceptance of new houses is very important. The following Xiaobian has collected some contents about the acceptance criteria of home improvement . The parents who want to know can understand the next!

What are the home improvement acceptance standards?

1, empty wall inspection

Wall hollowing is an important part of home improvement acceptance. When it is accepted, you can tap the wall with a special wooden hammer to check whether there is hollowing on the wall. If the sound is not true, then there is an empty drum on the wall.

2, wall leak check

In addition to checking the empty drum, the wall should also check for leaks. When checking for leaks, you can check on the second day after heavy rain to see if there are water stains on the wall, especially the top surface of the kitchen, bathroom, exterior wall, etc. If there are water stains, there is a phenomenon of water leakage on the wall surface.

3, electrical acceptance criteria

Household electrical safety is a topic that people are most concerned about. We must observe whether the power line is a national standard copper wire during acceptance. Home lighting and sockets use 2.5 square lines, kitchen and bathroom rooms use 4 square lines, and television and telephone signal lines must be spaced 250 mm from the power line.

4, water acceptance standards

Household water is also a very important point. The acceptance criteria for water use are mainly to see if the basin and sanitary equipment are installed in a flat and firm manner. It also depends on whether the upper and lower waterway pipelines are straight and the joints will not leak water and seep water.

5, tile acceptance standards

Tiles are the most common materials in home improvement. When checking ceramic tiles, you must first check whether the tiles are flat and whether the tiles are firm and will not fall off.

Home decoration acceptance should pay attention to what

1, the substrate processing to do a good job

Before applying latex paint or tiling, be sure to do a substrate treatment. If you have a new house, the substrate only needs to be ground with coarse sandpaper, and you do not need to remove the original paint layer. When paving tiles, do not tile the tiles directly on the surface of lime mortar, lime plaster, and latex paint.

2. Do not neglect the wires in the wall

Hydropower is a hidden project. It is difficult to find some water pipes and wires buried in the wall. Therefore, it is necessary to choose large brands of wires within the walls to avoid quality problems and to avoid harm to the family.

3, sewer pipe to be smooth

Check the sewage pipeline must be checked when the acceptance, because the construction, some construction teams will be some concrete, sand and other concrete pieces poured into the sewer, resulting in poor drainage pipes in the future. Therefore, after the completion of the waterway construction, all basins and bathtubs should be filled with water to check if the drainage pipes are open.

The above is the content of the home improvement acceptance standards that Xiaobian introduced for everyone, as well as the content of home improvement acceptance. I believe everyone has read it! It is recommended that you may wish to collect these home improvement acceptance standards, and you can use them for future renovations.

Home improvement acceptance standards

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