Under what circumstances can the kitchen breed bacteria?

The kitchen is a very important existence in the home life, and is the source of the things we depend on for survival. Therefore, the hygiene and safety of the kitchen is particularly important. If we ensure the hygiene of the kitchen? Under what circumstances can bacteria grow easily?

The first, 30 °C - the appropriate temperature to accelerate the growth of bacteria

The most characteristic feature of the late spring and early summer is that the weather gradually ended the trouble of alternating cold and warm, and the temperature began to rise steadily. Breeding bacteria at a temperature of about 10 °C is still slow, but when the temperature reaches 25-37 °C, the growth rate will be significantly accelerated, so the spring and summer are the most suitable season for the growth of bacteria.

Second, PH7.0 - a suitable breeding environment for neutral bacteria

There are many types of bacteria, some need to grow in an acidic environment, while others need to grow in alkaline conditions. However, the neutral environment is a living environment suitable for most pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, the indoor environment is maintained in a neutral environment, and the growth rate of bacteria will be greatly increased.

Third, 70% - Accelerated growth of high-humidity environmental bacteria

The three essential conditions for the growth of bacteria are air, water, and sugar. There is more rain in spring and summer, which indirectly increases the humidity in the room. The increase in humidity also provides a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. If the home stays wet for a long time, the chance of bacterial infection will increase.

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Kitchen home knowledge

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