7 elements teach you to choose satisfied second-hand housing

Housing prices soared, more and more people are more willing to choose second-hand housing, but how to choose second-hand housing it? Most people are very confused and don't know where to start. Today, Xiao Bian gave everyone a chance to popularize it. What should you pay attention to when buying a second-hand house?

First, pay attention to the first feeling when looking at the room

If you enter the house, especially if you feel uncomfortable when standing in the center of the house, such as dizziness, palpitations, and feelings of repression, then it can be shown that the house is not for you. There is no need to look at it. If you feel the opposite, The house makes you feel relaxed and happy, and you can show that the house is generally suitable for you to live.

Second, we must understand why the house was sold with the original owner’s living status.

If the former homeowner is “small room for big house” because of population increase or money affluence and other reasons, there is also a kind of benign information transmission, which will have a good influence on the new migrants. On the contrary, if the former homeowner is living During the killing, suicide, etc., such second-hand housing is best to stay away.

Second-hand housing

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