The new type of roller compound fertilizer granulator was successfully developed

A new type of roll granulator widely used in the production of compound fertilizer has been successfully developed in Hebei Wuyi County Fertilizer Equipment Factory.

The equipment mainly adopts the dry process of roll-type production to produce compound fertilizer. At normal temperature, the dry powder material is directly pressed into granules. The equipment can not only produce ammonium bicarbonate, urea, ammonium chloride, ammonium phosphate, potassium chloride, etc. It is a multi-element compound fertilizer and a single fertilizer for the base material, and is also suitable for the production and granulation of organic fertilizers and magnetic fertilizers and rare earth fertilizers. The equipment has no drying system, which can reduce investment by more than 30% compared with the traditional drum type and disc granulator, and can produce compound fertilizer products with content of up to 50%, and has high strength and good release performance. When the rain is too large, it is not easy to lose, so that the speed of crop absorption is synchronized with the speed of fertilizer release, which not only improves the fertilizer efficiency, but also reduces the pollution of soil and groundwater.
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