Misunderstandings in the use of pesticides by farmers

Misunderstanding 1: no drug at the beginning of the disease, no insects, no drugs
Most of the pests and diseases are in the early stage of the disease, and the symptoms are very light. At this time, the effect of the medication is good. After a large-scale outbreak, it is difficult to stop using the medicine.
Myth 2: The concentration of the liquid is as high as possible.
When farmers use pesticides, in order to reduce the workload, they often add more medicine and less water. When spraying insecticides and fungicides, sufficient water consumption is very important, because the eggs and germs are concentrated in the soil on the back of the leaves and adjacent to the roots. When the application is small, it is difficult to spray the whole plant. The residual eggs and residual bacteria in the dead corner are easy to erupt again. Increasing the concentration can also strengthen the resistance of bacteria and pests. If the concentration exceeds the safe concentration, phytotoxicity may occur. When the foliar fertilizer is used at a high concentration, it can not only be absorbed by the crop, but also causes the body fluid of the crop to be extravasated, resulting in physiological drought. When the hormonal pesticide is too high, it may be counterproductive or deform the crop. Therefore, simply increasing the concentration of the drug solution is often counterproductive.
Misunderstanding 3: Prevention once, once and for all
Insecticides and fungicides can achieve obvious results in the occurrence of pests and diseases. However, with the loss of pesticides and decomposition, and the infection of adjacent plots, there are still hidden dangers, which should be 7 to 15 days apart. Take the medicine several times to achieve the best control effect. After foliar fertilizer and hormonal pesticides are sprayed, the plants can only be absorbed from the leaf surface in a small amount. It should be sprayed “small times” during the application period to achieve the desired effect.
Myth 4: Lack of pesticide common sense
The pesticide market has been opened up, and the quality of pesticide operators is uneven. They often use farmers' lack of knowledge about pesticides and mislead farmers. Therefore, before using pesticides, it is best to consult with a qualified and qualified plant protection department to strive for the symptomatic use of pesticides. Pesticide is not purchased from operators with incomplete licenses, and pesticides that are expired or marked with suspiciousness are not used.
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