Learn these points yourself to do the wall construction supervision

Your own home decoration, or you need to check more will be assured. Before the renovation, many homeowners would choose the form of semi-packaging in order to save money. However, whether it is half-packed or all-inclusive, it is always impossible for owners to personally review the package. How to accept the wall decoration? So Xiao Bian said today that the wall construction supervision point, as long as the good grasp of supervision points, you can help everyone to take some detours.

Grassroots construction supervisors make a smart eye

The grass-roots construction is the foundation of all constructions, and the construction of the grass-roots level is well done so that the subsequent processes will be smoother and the renovated wall will be more durable and beautiful. As an owner, do you know little about the basic construction? Let's take a look together.

1, slot considerations

Learn these points yourself to do the wall construction supervision

When retrofitting additional water-supply pipes and wires, they should not be thrown horizontally in the wall surface, and should be thrown vertically. This is because horizontal damage has a great deal of damage to the wall, and it is very resistant to earthquakes and strength. It can only be thrown vertically and horizontally. Can't exceed 3-5 cm. If the slot is deep, it is easy to hit the steel in the wall and saw the steel bar broken. If the slot is shallow, it will be easy to bulge in the future.

2, material inspection

First of all, we should pay attention to the behavior of the foreman to steal the column, or the material provided by the company, and then use additional materials to fill up the empty, once there is a problem, maintenance will be unclear after the sale. In addition, the classification of materials placed to avoid pollution, the formal decoration company will generally put the project schedule and supporting tools placed in a prominent position, the decoration site is also relatively clean. Decoration materials should be placed in categories and materials that are easily contaminated with each other should be placed separately.

3, anti-crack inspection

The construction of the wall often runs through the entire process of the renovation. If there is a wall of wood or modeling, it will be entered in the early stage of construction. If only the paint is painted, it will start work in the middle and later stages. But for the construction of the wall, the painting of the paint often goes through many procedures such as puttying, sanding, brushing, primer, etc. If it is not carried out in strict accordance with the construction specification, if the brushing is not in place, or if it does not wait until the previous If a process is dry enough to carry out the next process, it will be prone to wall cracks and cracks.

Xiaobian Weapons: Material placement can not change the physical properties of materials, can not cause mutual contamination of materials, can not cause material deformation, can not cause security risks, can not cause damage to the packaging. For example, ceramic tiles cannot be placed on sand or cement, and buckets that have been painted or painted cannot be placed on plates.

The wall paint paint supervisor looks beautiful brush out

The wall decoration is the facade decoration, which can be decorated by various methods such as plastering, painting, painting, inlaying, screen hanging and so on. Especially for the supervision of wall paint, the owner should be more cautious, mainly from the following four aspects.

1, check the construction of the base project

Learn these points yourself to do the wall construction supervision

The construction of the wall often runs through the entire process of the renovation. If there is a wall of wood or modeling, it will be entered in the early stage of construction. If only the paint is painted, it will start work in the middle and later stages. But for the construction of the wall, the painting of the paint often goes through many procedures such as puttying, sanding, brushing, primer, etc. If it is not carried out in strict accordance with the construction specification, if the brushing is not in place, or if it does not wait until the previous Together.

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