Home Furnishings: Flower Plants

In the home, the flower arrangement and variety of each position in the living room, dining room, study room, bedroom and balcony have their own rules.
Living room: The living room should be selected from the varieties of bamboo, lucky fortune, Penglaisong, Aescin, Pachira, Money Tree, Lucky Tree, Clivia, Orchid, Cyclamen, Tangerine. These flowers contain the meaning of good luck and good fortune. Rich bamboo

Fugui bamboo is also known as bamboo for thousands of years. Its leaves are thick green, growing vigorously and cultivated widely. It is generally used for household bottle-inserting or potted planting, especially the "tower-like" shape that is circulated from Taiwan. It is also known as "Bamboo Lucky". It has a high ornamental value and is popular in the international market.
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Fortunately, the head is the flower of Bromeliaceae and it is open at the top or middle of the plant. Fortunately, the flowers are prosperous and colorful, and they are very festive.

Home Feng Shui Parlor Balcony Bamboo Bamboo Furnishing Home Furnishing Feng Shui Interior Decoration Living Room Decoration Feng Shui School Flower Study Feng Shui Small Study Study Arrangement Home Furnishing Bedroom Bedroom Balcony Study Decoration Home Furnishing

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